Dr. Jeffrey Payne and Dr. Roger Pulwarty on the Fourth National Climate Assessment
Get serious on climate or go home.
The climate is changing. Really. Local, state and federal coastal managers are increasingly in need of up to date, authoritative science to understand, evaluate the impacts from climate change in their geographies as well as examples best practices to begin to fashion and implement adaptation strategies for sea level rise, coastal flooding, water resources and other coastal impacts. On this podcast we welcome Dr. Jeffrey Payne and Dr. Roger Pulwarty, two of the authors of the Fourth National Climate Assessment, provide background on the Assessment including: the rigorousness that went into its development, some of the most coastal-relevant findings and some of the ways to mainstream adaptation practices to address regional impacts. Jeff and Roger also tell our listeners how navigate and to get the most out of the Assessment, as those that have pursued Volume I, the Climate Science Special Report, and Volume II: Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States, know that while it’s chock full of great information , it is also huge and intimidating.