Highlights from the Corps of Engineers at ASBPA’s Coastal Summit
Our microphone brings you highlights from the ASBPA Summit
An annotated “highlight reel” of presentations by the US Army Corps of Engineers at the recent National Coastal Summit hosted by American Shore and Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA). Most of the episode is Chief of Engineers, General Todd Semonite talking about how the Corps is changing to embrace Natural & Nature Based Features in construction and Engineering With Nature principles, as well as how he’s working to “revolutionize” Corps operations. We also hear from Amy Guise with Baltimore District, Jackie Keiser from Jacksonville District, and Scudder Mackey with Ohio DNR about regional coastal resilience studies in the North Atlantic, South Atlantic, and Great Lakes regions. Finally, you’ll learn whether Ice Tsunamis are something Jon Snow has to deal with from the Night King or something Great Lakes coastal managers have to plan for during a normal winter (spoiler alert: the Midwest can get very cold!)