Meet Katharine “KC” Stover: Connecting climate solutions with people and policy
With Yi Chao back with a 2023 Seatrec Update!
Before diving into a new year of exciting ocean and water tech pioneers, host Tamara Kahn kicks off the new year, by checking in with past guest, Dr. Yi Chao of Seatrec. One year since he’s been on the show and he’s been hard at work partnering up to make seabed exploration more possible. Also in this episode, Tamara explores what kind of policy and support could accelerate these innovations, and why any of these matter at all. Guest Katharine ‘KC’ Stover chats with Tamara about this as well as the work Hyphae Group is looking to do to connect the dots and further natural climate mitigation and adaptation solutions. Start local. Pick something you care about. And go for it!
Let Tamara know if you had any great epiphanies due to this month’s episode. Or what more you’d like to know via LinkedIn or Instagram @LadyBlueTech