Ocean Exploration, Mapping, and Characterization in the Blue Economy | American Blue Economy Podcast
Charting the course to new ocean opportunities.
In this month's episode, we discuss ocean mapping, exploration, and characterization. We were perfectly prepared for this topic 2 weeks ago when we were thrilled to host none other than Dr. Robert Ballard, world famous ocean explorer and discoverer of the RMS Titanic. We had an engaging discussion about his recent book Into the Deep, A Memoir by the Man who found Titanic. Today, we will explore the remarkable field of ocean discovery that Bob Ballard helped to advance, and to a greater extent, popularize for current and future generations. Ocean Mapping, Exploration and Characterization has big blue economy implications. Mapping, for example, is critical for fisheries management, offshore energy development, and safe marine transportation. Exploration and characterization support identification of sources for critical minerals, energy, and regions requiring conservation. Mapping and exploration are also helping us identify our Extended Continental Shelf, an area of nearly 1 million square miles which we hope to add to our EEZ. As with our past episodes, we have a rock star lineup of guests, including: