Women Wavemakers in the Blue Economy Part II: Pioneering the Blue Economy from a Women's Point of View | American Blue Economy Podcast
Part 2 of 3 of the ABEP Women Wavemakers Series!
In this month’s episode of The American Blue Economy Podcast, our host Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet, PhD, US Navy (ret) introduces us to 3 women wavemakers in the American Blue Economy. Borrowing from the name of the Wavemakers podcast on Coastal News Today & American Shoreline Podcast Network hosted by Tamara Kahn, we learn how women are making many notable contributions in #bluetech and the #blueeconomy. Our guests include Marine Slingue, Vice President for North America at the navigation technology company iXblue, KellyPeters, Senior Content Marketing Manager at the commercial space and weather company Tomorrow.io, and LauraTrilles, Senior Program Director at the environmental services company Lynker. Be sure to dive in and make some waves with us!